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  1. Visitors must abide by all regulations established by the reserve management or Seychelles laws that govern environment and park authorities in Seychelles.

  2. Children under 12 years should be accompanied by an adult and remain under full responsibility or guardianship of their parents or an accompanied adult before, during and after the guided tour.

  3. La Source des Seychelles and the guide will not be responsible for any of the following while on the tour and on the property of Vallee de Mai Nature reserve, Fond Ferdinand or any other tours:
  • For any loss of equipment, personal belongings whilst on the Vallee De Mai property and on the tour.

  • Any damage or loss done by visitors to the park or  Vallee de Mai property. The visitor should take full responsibility for any offense and for action taken by the reserve management or Seychelles national park and reserve authority.